If you choose pickup instead of delivery, follow the steps above.

Main Similarities Between Seamless vs Grubhub Read on for our explorations of what makes these delivery platforms tick. You’re probably wondering why there are two companies or why you should choose one over the other. They each have similar goals and intentions. Seamless and Grubhub are pretty much the same things. Six months after the merger, the companies completed about 130,000 orders every day. While their reach was far, they wanted to provide for customers in more rural or suburban areas.

Grubhub predominately served the Chicago area. Seamless had previously only served cities like New York City, Philadelphia, and Atlanta. to reach more customers across the globe. In 2013, the long-adored Seamless announced they were merging with Grubhub Inc. Related: Alternatives to Grubhub that you’ll love. They’re similar, but they have separate websites and apps. Grubhub owns Seamless, technically, despite it being a newer company. Seamless and Grubhub are both meal delivery services, but they are separate companies. No diner had to endure treacherous city traffic. Seamless began in New York City and served all the boroughs their favorite food. Seamless was a company before Grubhub but is now under the Grubhub portfolio of brands.